Success Stories
Real-life examples should ideally drive every concept. Here are some examples of corporates:
beLCA is an Italian team of building, energy, and life cycle assessment specialists who use and support OpenLCA. They are also our Italian partner, providing OpenLCA training and services to Italian clients. | |
A server-based Ghent University OpenLCA is used for around 150 accounts, which is unique to the knowledge. They created a multi-user environment for accessing the ecoinvent database in OpenLCA by giving each student their unique login. | |
OpenLCA is the LCA tool of choice for a research group at Oregon State University's Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering (BEE), which has published multiple peer-reviewed research publications based on OpenLCA work. They developed new LCIA methodologies based on GBEP measures and are currently working on a massive project studying the Food Energy Water Nexus at a regional level. They use Nexus databases, such as ecoinvent, and other accessible databases like NREL/US LCI. | |
Since 2012, the Life Cycle Assessment Centre for Excellence (LCACE) of the US EPA’s Office of Research and Development's National Risk Management Research Laboratory has been a partner and user of OpenLCA. Since then, LCACE has collaborated with GreenDelta to develop OpenLCA (see Supporters) and establish it as the official LCA program for the US EPA Office of Research and Development and other US EPA offices. | |
Within the LCA courses for Bachelor and Master students in environmental engineering, the Hochschule Darmstadt in Germany uses OpenLCA. Once the teachers completed initial web-based training, they provided additional case studies and activities in the lectures. | |
The Vehicle Modular-LCA Kit, abbreviated as the Modular-LCA Kit or Kit, is a simplified LCA software built in the Volkswagen group (VW) with the purpose of supporting target setting for vehicle environmental balance. |